Foods Update
Over the past few weeks I have brought foods for the kids to try. I tried to bring things that I thought they might see at Thanksgiving...
Turkey Hunting
Open season on turkeys began two weeks ago. Slowly each day hunters would come and find their Thanksgiving bird. In years past we have...
IPads, GoNoodle, Clipboard Quizzes, and Trying New Foods
IPads - We have begun using IPads in the classroom each week. I have had taught the kids how to use a few different apps. GoNoodle -...
Turkey's in Disguise
Each year I assign the kids the task of working with their parents to disguise a picture of a turkey. The premise is to "save the turkey...
Food Groups
This week we have begun learning about the five main food groups. The approach to teaching about foods changes from time to time. What...
Christmas Countdown
On Wednesday while I was planning for the rest of the week, I decided to look at the calendar to see how many school days we would have...