St. Joseph Catholic School
Frequently Asked Questions
We will celebrate your child's birthday at or near your child's birthday or half-birthday. I have a box of prizes your child can choose. He/she may also bring a treat to share with their classmates.
Show and Tell
Children love to share things about themselves. In Kindergarten we use Show and Tell has a time to work on communication skills. During the first semester, students are allowed to bring an item from home for Show and Tell.
Field Trips / Drivers
We take a few field trips throughout the year in Kindergarten; in some cases we request parent volunteers to serve as drivers. In the past few years I have taken kids to visit a farm during harvest and the Aurora Science Museum. We also walk on a few field trips; the public library and bank are two regular visits that we make. To volunteer to drive for field trips, you are required to fill out forms which are kept on file in the office. Please see Becky to find the forms required. If you have ideas of field trips, let me know.
Gym Shoes
Please send a pair of shoes for use in PE. This will help our gym floor last longer!
Snacks with milk are offered in the mornings for students in Kindergarten. Students may typically choose between regular, strawberry, or chocolate milk. Milk is optional. If you choose not to have your child drink milk at snacks, let me know. Parents are asked to help provide a snack to share with the entire class. Please do not bring cookies, fruit snacks, or other high in sugar snacks. I would be happy to allow fresh fruits or vegetables. Let me know if you have any questions.
Bathroom Accidents
While Kindergarten students typically do not wet their pants, it does happen throughout the year. As a precaution, I would ask every family to include an emergency change of underwear, pants, and a shirt.