The Toughest Day in Kindergarten
I could be completely wrong, but I think that the hardest day in Kindergarten has got to be the first full day of Kindergarten. Thankfully, the very first day of the school year ends by noon. An argument could be made that the first few weeks of Kindergarten should be half days. You can tell that some of these kiddos brains are fried by early afternoon and so is mine. By 2:30 this afternoon I found myself reassuring some of the kids that the day was almost over.
It's not that I work the kids too hard. This afternoons' activities included exploring new math manipulatives; teddy bear counters and pattern blocks. We also started an art project for the upcoming Solar Eclipse. I think it's important for Kindergarten teachers to just remember how mentally draining a full day of school can be. Thankfully, we end this short week of school with extra activities like music, PE, and computers. Oh, and let's not forget what tends to be a Kindergartners favorite activity --- Show and Tell!